Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Fastest spring ever

It started two weeks ago. I remember only too well when I went on a one day trip to Berlin leaving home at 6 am in the morning. The temperature was 1.5°C - so almost freezing. But during the day the temperature climbed up to about 13° to 15°. It was the last day of March and it was the first warm day of the year.

Since then we have had splendid weather, warm, sunny, summer-like temperatures. And within these two weeks nature changed from leafless, brown winter to full green mid-spring. Trees and flowers were in bloom and within two weeks grew their leaves. Remarkable. And unbelievably fast.

I tried to capture it last weekend with the view from our living room.

1 comment:

RémiL said...

Same here in Paris Jochen :-)
Winter has been harsh this year, that may be the botanical explanation.