Friday 1 May 2009

Ralf Dahrendorf celebrates his 80th birthday today

Today is Ralf Dahrendorf's 80th birthday. As the Sueddeutsche Zeitung put it: He is the only genuinely liberal thinker in Germany. I have always found great inspiration reading Ralf Dahrendorf's books - I have got several of them at home and enjoy to browse them from time to time.

In almost every German newspaper there is an article of appreciation today. One of the best ones I found in yesterday's edition of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung - also available online:
"Politik muss nicht originell sein
Der Soziologe Ralf Dahrendorf hat die Planstelle des einzigen genuin liberalen Denkers der Bundesrepublik besetzt. Jetzt wird er achtzig. [....]"
One of Ralf Dahrendorf's focal points is that a liberal and progressive society needs to use its conflicts properly. Conflicts are a source for progress - they should not be surpressed, but managed.

I am certainly looking forward for many more books and articles from Ralf Dahrendorf. One of the great personalities in post-war Germany.

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