Wednesday 31 March 2010

Relevant link of today: Open Source and Open Standards under Threat in Europe

Earlier this week Glyn Moody posted an article shedding some light on what is apparently currently going on behind closed doors about the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and about the Digital Agenda under preparation by Commissioner Kroes and DG Information Society. Extensive lobbying seems to be done in order to change the basic direction of openness which the Commission has taken for years and which has given leadership to Europe and to the Commission in an age of transition to new, open ways of working and innovating.

I am still optimistic that the Commission will be resistant against any backwards-oriented lobbying and retain its clear and fresh view on information and communication technologies (ICT), standardisation, interoperability and openness:
  1. Openness is the key paradigm of the time, it has produced new and highly productive ways of working and it is vital for fostering innovation; 
  2. Market players of all kind are in a process of change to a new equilibrium of proprietary and openness adapting to the new paradigm for being successful and maintaining leadership on the global marketplace;
  3. The European Commission and public authorities in Europe play a key role in driving this transformation and leveraging openness in all areas for the benefit of the European marketplace and the citizens of Europe.
Glyn Moody gives some important alert. Read his full article at computerworlduk online.

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